RAIN Project

Rain project women

One of the requirements for projects sponsored by the RAIN program is that they empower women and youth in the communities where the project is deployed. This is because when families must travel long distances to get clean drinking water, women and children are disproportionately affected.

Rain project women

Our results

572,498 people

have been impacted by improved water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

119,631 women and youth

Empowered and helped to improve the management of 1,177 hectares of land

119,631 people

In 2021, two projects were completed in Algeria (UNDP) and Sierra Leone (CRS) to reach 17,660 people, benefit 9,796 women and youth, and improve the management of 6 hectares of land in these two countries.

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Press contact

Sonia Ventosa
