RAIN Project

Rain Project

Millions of people across the world lack access to safe drinking water and to major sanitation infrastructures. This issue is particularly stark in Africa, and in response, we have joined hands with our partners to improve access to water and build sanitation infrastructures across our territories.

One of the projects that Equatorial Coca-Cola has invested in is the Coca-Cola Foundation’s Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN), which aimed to improve access to clean water for 6 million people in Africa by 2020. Through RAIN, we have invested in water infrastructures, in order to bring clean water closer to at-risk populations. Even though the project formally ended in 2020, some initiatives were ongoing throughout 2021.

Rain Project

To date, through 23 projects across nine of Equatorial Coca-Cola’s countries and 1,029 communities, RAIN has reached:

572,498 people

With improved water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

118,631 women and youth

Empowered and helped to improve the management of 1,177 hectares of land

2,139 ML of water

Returned per year to communities and nature

17,660 people

In 2021, two projects were completed in Algeria (UNDP) and Sierra Leone (CRS) to reach 17,660 people, benefit 9,796 women and youth, and improve the management of 6 hectares of land in these two countries.

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Sonia Ventosa
